A family with two young children, who once resided in Rhinebeck, NY and then relocated to New England, have returned over a decade later to rediscover their hometown. They asked us to assist in renovating their 1970’s French Country home to accommodate their now teenage children and regular visits from extended family. The objective with the full house renovation was to make necessary updates and modernize the space while staying true to the original design.
Previously, all of the rooms in the living area were closed off with doors. The new plan is open for an effortless flow between rooms and to allow plenty of light to travel through the space. The kitchen is entirely new, complete with larger windows that create framed views of the beautifully landscaped property. Appliances are new and modern, but finishes including cabinetry, lighting, and hardware are in keeping with the original look.
The basement was also refinished to include a new home gym and recreation room. Three new windows—all requiring excavation—bring much-needed light to the space, helping to make it a comfortable entertaining area.
2014 | Rhinebeck, NY | 4,500 sf
Photography Credit: Garrett Rowland